Saturday, May 24, 2014

Appearing Wand Trick

Appearing Wand Effect: From a small purse you produce a large solid magic wand or pencilSecret: Obtain a small money purse and cut a small hole at the bottomPresentation: Have the wand partly up your sleeve and the other end inside the purse, through the holeShow the purse, then open it and slowly pull out the large wand. This impressive illusion should be practisedin...

Ring And String Trick

Ring And String       Effect: A ring threaded onto a loop is released, although a spectator is holding the stringSecret: Read PREPARATION carefully to see how you can solve this puzzle Props: Any ring and one cord Preparation: Get someone to help you practise this item before presenting it. Tie one piece of cord into a loop (circle). Slide the...

Friday, May 23, 2014

Wand Power

Wand Power Effect : The magician makes some mysterious passes around a wand or pencil which uncannily starts to move on its own Secret: The magician secretly blows on the wand, which causes it to roll Props: Use a wand or pencil. A smooth, firm surface is essential  Preparation: Practise blowing toward the wand gently and secretly Presentation: Lay the wand...

Cup Through Table

Cup Through Table   Effect: A cup or glass vanishes when wrapped in a sheet of paperSecret: A piece of paper wrapped around the cup or glass will retain the shape of the cup – even after themagician has secretly dropped the cup into his lap.Props: A cup or glass, any small object and a sheet of newspaper or tissue paperPreparation: Select a piece of newspaper...